Communication Update 21.9.22

Dear Parent/Carer

Following our communication last week about the suspension of Seesaw, we are emailing to share our updated communication plans for Burnbrae Nursery (ELC), P1 -3, TLC and Provisions.

We will continue to use ‘School App for Parents’ as our main source of communication, you can download the school app for free using the links below. If you have any issues accessing the school app, please let the office team know.

  • General whole class P1 -3, Provision and Nursery (ELC) posts will now be added to the school app
  • Individual messages will be communicated from the main school email address or by telephone
  • All communication for appointments should be made through the school office as is the normal procedure
  • Direct messages to staff should only be made through email to the office will then forward this on to the correct person to respond
  • Good news and general achievements will also be shared on Twitter @BurnbraePS and for the ELC @BurnbraeEarly


Google/Android –

Many thanks for your continued support

Team Burnbrae

Curriculum Evening 22/23

Burnbrae Primary Curriculum Evening 

We look forward to welcoming you to Burnbrae Primary Curriculum Evening on  Wednesday 14th September 2022. Links to all slides can be found on this page, we hope you will find it useful to have time to read over the slides before your visit tomorrow.

  • BBE ELC and CN – 5:30 – 6:20
  • BPS main building 6:30 – 7:30
ELC ELC at Burnbrae Early | Burnbrae Primary School (
CN Provision CN Provision at Burnbrae Early | Burnbrae Primary School (
SCN Provision SCN Provision at Burnbrae Primary | Burnbrae Primary School (
TLC TLC | Burnbrae Primary School (
P1 Primary One | Burnbrae Primary School (
P2 including P2/3 Primary Two | Burnbrae Primary School (
P3 including P2/3 Primary Three | Burnbrae Primary School (
P4 Primary Four | Burnbrae Primary School (
P5 Primary Five | Burnbrae Primary School (
P6 including P6/7 Primary Six | Burnbrae Primary School (
P7 including P6/7 Primary Seven | Burnbrae Primary School (
Talk for Writing and Accelerated Reading Curriculum | Burnbrae Primary School (