ELC – P1 Transition

We are delighted that your child will be joining Primary One in Burnbrae in August. For some of you this will be your first experience of Burnbrae Primary, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your family. We look forward to working with you all. Moving on from an early years setting to school is a very important milestone for your child and we want to work with you to ensure that the transition is smooth for all.

We have a dedicated webpage to support you where you will find all transition information in one place – https://edublog.mgfl.net/burnbraeps/elc-p1-transition/

Education Scotland Letter

Following a recent visit to Burnbrae Primary School,  Education Scotland’s Inspection Team published a letter on 8 February 2022.

The letter is available on the Education Scotland website www.education.gov.scot and recognises the positive steps being taken to address recommendations from the previous inspection and acknowledges the impact of the pandemic on our improvement journey.

The staff team at Burnbrae have worked hard to support children and families throughout the pandemic. They are committed to ensuring the children in our school continue to develop skills for learning, life and work, enabling them to achieve through effective and inclusive learning and teaching.

Colin Beattie MSP, Midlothian North & Musselburgh said:

I was pleased to hear that the learning experiences of children across the school have improved since the original inspection was carried out and that strong supportive relationships are being formed.”

Letter to Burnbrae Primary School from Colin Beattie

Counselling for 10-18 year olds

FAO P6 and P7 primary parents and carers

Do you have a child or young person in P6 or P7 (10 years and over) and you’re worried about their mental health?

Our partner agency, MYPAS (Midlothian Young People’s Advice Service) offers counselling for young people aged 10-18 years, regardless of whether they are at school, education or training.

You can contact the head teacher to get a referral.

The child or young person can only be referred with their consent.

·       Find out more

Parent Club Scotland


Parent Club offers up-to-date guidance from the Scottish Government on your child’s health and education. It’s full of hints and tips from other parents and carers who’ve been there before. It also has advice to help you look after your own wellbeing and to point you in the direction of the support available.

Parent Club have hundreds of articles across dozens of topics, from help getting their vaccinations to help getting them to eat their tea. Most articles are sorted by age, so no matter how old your children are, you’ll easily find the information relevant to them. There are also plenty of articles for soon-to-be mums and dads to help you prepare for the adventures ahead. Plus all the information on the Baby Box.

All families are different and have their own challenges, but every parent wants their kids to grow up healthy and happy. Parent Club are here to help you every step of the way.

Welcome to Burnbrae

A warm welcome to new families joining us at Burnbrae from August. Links below will take you to the relevant information for your child.

To access our school handbook, please visit –

For children joining CN provision based at Burnbrae Early please visit  – http://burnbrae.mgfl.net/cn-provision-at-burnbrae-early/

For children joining SCN provision based at Burnbrae Primary please visit –

For children joining P1 please visit –

Welcome letter from Fiona Robertson and updated guidance on covid-19

Please find attached a letter from Executive Director Fiona Robertson with information relating to this new term.
She has also attached a warn and inform letter which gives clear advice on what families need to do if their child tests positive or if their child is identified as having been in prolonged contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19.

Parent_Carer_August 16 2021 – Fiona Robertson

Template Warn and Inform letter from the Director of Public Health

School Uniform – Border Embroideries new Edinburgh Store

Burnbrae Primary School uniform can be purchased from Border Embroideries via the online store – https://www.border-embroideries.co.uk/

A new retail store is now open in Edinburgh.

Located at 187A Dundee Street (opposite Victor Paris), the new store will stock the Burnbrae Primary Uniform as well as a range of plain uniform including shirts, blouses, poloshirts, trousers, skirts, sports kit and much more.


Burnbrae Primary School- Complex Needs Provision

Burnbrae Primary School offers Primary Education Social and Complex Needs Provision at the Burnbrae Road campus with the Early Years Centre and  Complex Needs Provision situated at the shared campus with St Mary’s RC Primary on Rosewell Road. Both the Social and Complex Needs Provision which caters for ten children in two classes and the Complex Needs Provision which caters for forty children in four classes, attract children from across Midlothian who will benefit from specialist input in smaller classes in partnership with their base school.  Please view the virtual tours below……